Manitouwadge Tax Rate Information

In response to an article circulating on Facebook posted by John Owen (ReMax) highlighting high tax rates in Ontario and comparing the Manitouwadge tax rate to other local communities:

Your tax bill is calculated in accordance with Ontario law based on the following formula:

Your home’s assessment value per MPAC × The Municipal Tax Rate

Manitouwadge’s tax rate is among the highest in Ontario because our MPAC assessment values are very low. This has been the case for many years, and taxation in Manitouwadge has been relatively stable for many years. Example (illustrative only):

An average house in Marathon has an MPAC value of $150,000. If the tax rate in Marathon is 3%, this average house tax bill will be $4,500.

An average house in Manitouwadge has an MPAC value of $50,000. If the tax rate in Manitouwadge is 7%, this average house tax bill will be $3,500.

Below is a history of the total tax amount levied by year in Manitouwadge for the past ten years:

2015: $3,544,143

2016: $3,699,312

2017: $3,699,117

2018: $3,895,463

2019: $4,113,670

2020: $4,219,200

2021: $3,356,005

2022: $3,676,442

2023: $3,826,608

2024: $3,965,608

The Township of Manitouwadge asks that residents be respectful toward municipal staff, and understand that the services the Township offers have an associated cost that must be paid for via taxation. If there are areas of service that you feel are not valuable, please provide your feedback to Township Administration or Council. A meaningful reduction in taxes levied is not possible without reductions in service levels.

As always, you may direct any questions about taxation to the Township Treasury Department at 807-826-3227 ext. 225, or

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Township of Manitouwadge
Box 910
1 Mississauga Drive
Manitouwadge, ON
P0T 2C0

General Inquiries

T: (807) 826-3227
F: (807) 826-4592

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