Popular Winter Activities
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Our community has a very active lifestyle. There are many programs and services offered through Community Services, community groups and individuals. Some of these include:
Our local senior group, the Golden Age Center, offers many activities both physical and non-physical. As well, the Golden Age Center has many gatherings for those with the same hobby interests such as the quilting group or dart and cribbage players.
The Manitouwadge Family Health Team is also very involved in our community. They host many programs and events for seniors, children and families throughout the month.
At the Golden Age Center, the Family Health Team promotes healthy living through cooking classes, Coffee and Canvas and X-Box bowling!
For children, Adventures in Cooking is always a popular hit and the many events hosted by the Family Health Team, such as the Amazing Race Walk and Cache for Life, were a lot of fun for everyone!
The Manitouwadge Public Library hosts programs for all ages. Craft lessons, geneaology workshops, and so much more. You and your children can join their popular Story Walk or sign up with their bookclub today!
Drop by the Library to see what programming they have this month.