

Who governs the Manitouwadge Cemetery?

The Manitouwadge Cemetery is owned and operated by the Township of Manitouwadge; and is governed by municipal by-laws, provincial legislation and licensed by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO).

The BAO Consumer Information Guide provides information to make informed decisions about burial services at the Cemetery, as well as funeral and cremation services.

Where is the Manitouwadge Cemetery?

The Manitouwadge Cemetery is located on Caramat/Industrial Road, and is approximately 1 km distance from the corner of Hwy 614 and Caramat/Industrial Road.

What are the visiting hours?

The visiting hours at the Manitouwadge Cemetery are between 8:00 a.m. to sundown.

Please note the Manitouwadge Cemetery is closed from November 15th to April 30th, weather permitting. 

Which Cemetery Lots are available?

The Manitouwadge Cemetery has 4 Sections. Section 1 does not have any lots available; Section 2 has remaining capacity; and Sections 3 and 4 are future sites.

One lot has the capacity for 1 full interment, then up to 4 cremated remains.

Cemetery Map – Whole
Cemetery Map – Section II

What is the Care and Maintenance Fund?

The Care and Maintenance Fund is a mandatory trust fund created by the provincial legislation in 1928 to ensure upkeep of cemeteries.  All Care and Maintenance fees are invested in this fund and the income generated is used to maintain, secure and preserve the cemetery ground.  Services provided are: re-levelling and sodding or seeding of graves and grounds.

How do I make arrangements for purchasing a lot or for burial services?

If you would like to purchase a lot, or have questions about fees or service arrangements, please contact the Clerk’s department at: 807-826-3227 ext: 223 or clerk@manitouwadge.ca.

Information regarding Winter Interments

Are burials permitted in the Winter months?

The Manitouwadge Cemetery is closed from November 15th to April 30th, weather permitting. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and a site inspection is conducted to determine the snow depth, and/or ground frost conditions.

Haven’t burials in Winter been done before?

Yes, on a case-by-case basis when snow depth and ground conditions permit. The last burial in the Manitouwadge Cemetery in the month of January was 2009.

There have been more recent burials during March and April but that is with early Spring conditions with no snow, or so little that plowing is not required.

Each lot must be located and identified to ensure the exact location for digging which is done in-person by Township personnel who conduct a Locate (mark, take measurements and in-ground bar location). Snow depth and access hinder this being done correctly and disruption to neighbouring lots can occur.

If employees can dig for water breaks, why can’t they do it in the Cemetery?

There is a vast difference between digging for a water break and digging for a cemetery lot.

A water break, once identified, is typically water saturated and therefore not frozen. Additionally, a water break does not require to be dug precisely at 5 feet wide, 10 feet long and 6 feet deep, while insuring no disruption to the neighouring lot.

Hasn’t the Manitouwadge Cemetery always been plowed in the Winter?

The Manitouwadge Cemetery has not been plowed in the Winter months for over 13 years.

There are multiple factors that make plowing in the Cemetery precarious. The weight of a plow over lots can collapse the interred (buried caskets), and can disturb and damage lots, headstones and flat markers of decedents.

Don’t other Cemeteries do Winter burials?

There are a few cemeteries that will do burials in the Winter months. These are typically private cemeteries, cemeteries that are in a larger centre and therefore have the means to have staff dedicated to the operation or cemeteries that do not experience the degree of Winter that we do.

Winter burials are not often done in most Northern Ontario communities, including our neighbouring community of Marathon: the Manitouwadge Cemetery is not unique in this.

Frequently Requested Documents and Links:

Contact Information:

Joleen Keough,
Clerk/Planning Administrator
Township of Manitouwadge
P. O. Box 910
Manitouwadge, Ontario
P0T 2C0
(T) 807-826-3227 x 223
(E) clerk@manitouwadge.ca

Township of Manitouwadge
Box 910
1 Mississauga Drive
Manitouwadge, ON
P0T 2C0

General Inquiries

T: (807) 826-3227
F: (807) 826-4592

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