The Township of Manitouwadge would like to remind residents to maintain Social and Physical Distancing practices while shopping.
Our local businesses are working diligently to make their environments safe for us all. Many stores have changed their shopping hours, limiting the numbers of customers allowed within the building, and identifying markers on the floor to show shoppers where to stand while waiting in line. Please be respectful of staff, customers and others who may be waiting outside to do their shopping. It is recommended that you do the following:
- Shopping is to be conducted by one family member to limit the number of customers within the store;
- Shop with your eyes, not with your hands! Please refrain from touching anything you will not be purchasing;
- Socializing with other customers while in the store is to be avoided to save time for other shoppers;
- Respect the policies and procedures being implemented within the store as a means to keep the public safe and healthy;
- Socializing outside the store is to be avoided to help limit the potential spread of COVID-19 in our community;
- If you have recently traveled outside of Canada, it is mandatory that you self-isolate for 14 days and to monitor for symptoms consistent with COVID-19; and
- Check in with elderly neighbours, family and friends to see if there is anything you can pick up from the store so they do not need to go out themselves.
If you require assistance with deliveries, please contact:
- Gord’s Taxi – 807-228-1714
- Northern Delivery (formerly Bob’s Delivery) 807-229-6181
Social and Physical Distancing measures are recommended as per the guidelines set out by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, the Ontario and Canadian governments.